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Writer's pictureKatie Boer

Dementia Diaries: Thank you

07/26/20 — Just wanted to take a moment and say one thing: Thank you.

So many of you have been following this journey with my mother and I since she was first diagnosed just over 3 1/2 years ago! But frankly, those two little words just don’t capture the overwhelming gratitude I have in my heart for you.

[First night in Assisted Living. She's putting on a brave face and smiling in this pic but she was so, so sad we moved her and had to take away the keys. To be honest... I think we were both putting on a brave face. We had absolutely no idea what was next or how hard the next few years would be.]

[Her last days in her own home before moving into assisted living facility.]


When I moved my mom out of her home and into assisted living in January 2017, you were there.

When my mom’s wild hallucinations broke me down to tears in between my live 5 and 6 o’clock news hits in Las Vegas, you messaged.

When I quit my job and moved home to be closer, you sent me endless encouragement.

When my mom was sad and lonely, you sent flowers to a lady you’ve never even met, to brighten her day.

When she kept unplugging cords in her room, you helped me come up with solutions.

When she moved into memory care and I experienced this wild range of emotions, you reached out saying you’d lend an ear.

When I decided to run 26 miles in the New York City Marathon for dementia, you donated to the cause, then cheered for me when I crossed the finish line.

When I cried my eyes out during so many Facebook live moments, you never once judged me.

The craziest part? We’ve never even met.

Most of you are complete and total strangers. However the grace you’ve shown me, makes me feel connected to so may of you across the country. And a lot of you are fighting similar battles.

I’m sorry I have not had the time to respond to each and everyone of you--yet... but please know I see your messages, cards, comments, emails—all of it.

It means something to me.

I’m so grateful and sincerely appreciative of the overflowing love you have shown my mother and I—especially in these final days... hours...

Truthfully, you have kept me going.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I PROMISE you that I will find a way to pay it forward when this is all over.


[My mom and the chair I've been sitting in the last 4 days.]

MOM UPDATE: Sunday/11pm — She’s still hanging on, though I have no clue how. Today was day number 6 of no food or water (remember prior to that she hardly ate for 2-3 weeks). Her breathing is very labored and she’s had off and on low fevers and dropping oxygen levels. But I guess Jesus is still preparing a spot in heaven for her.

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Jul 27, 2020

Katie.. You are paying it forward right now. People that dont understand what this evil disease called dementia can do you are showing it. What is does to our LO's from the beginning to the end of the ones that we love , as we watch it take them slowly away from us. You showed it. There are more family's that are affected with dementia now than ever. Your momma Boer put herself out where for the world to see.. This is dementia and is SUCKS.. You showed that in her journey and in the end momma Boer won over this disease. God be with you , because we will be here for you Katie..

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