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Writer's pictureKatie Boer

Dementia Diaries: Half Birthdays

Today, July 6th, is one of my favorite days of the year. It’s my half birthday, which was always special to me growing up because:

1. I’m a twin. We shared birthdays. 2. Our birthday was always just a few short days after Christmas. 3. My mom and dad ALSO share a birthday—two years apart (I know, crazy!)

So we only had two real birthday DAYS a year.

I always wished our celebrations were more spread out (I mean, why NOT spread a little cheer out all year?!) and my mom agreed. So for YEARS she has always made a point to call me up and wish me happy half birthday or send me a silly card. Even going as far as cutting the card in HALF on a number of occasions or half of a little desert. I always got a kick out of that.

I SO wish she could just call me up like she used to. But really... I’m just happy I got to experience it. I’m so lucky I had a mom that loved to find ways to make things so special for her kids. And maybe someday I’ll be lucky enough to do the same thing for my kids.

Count it all joy!

Just thought I’d share. 🙂 Anyone else celebrate silly things like half birthdays??

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Robert Michelle Arndt
Robert Michelle Arndt
2020년 7월 07일

From Michelle.....You are so blessed to have a mother care for you as much as your mom did. I've been following your story since you were here in Vegas. I was sad to hear you were moving back to Washington, but the reason was so very valid in wanting to be near your mother in her final years. God bless you and your family.

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